So like I said we have done strict Paleo before and I felt awesome, crazy energy, slimmer. And lately we have played on the border of it, on again off again, never hitting it supper hard. With how busy we are and traveling, and having company etc it makes it hard. But as of Monday I am back to strict paleo and getting my butt back on a workout schedule. I tried the get up supper early and workout before the kids wake up, but that didn't happen. Those little buggers have a radar that tells them "She's up, we need to be too".
So now my plan of attack is this:
Monday: Trail run after work plus some core excersices (I usually only work a half day)
Tuesday and Wednesday: Community center for workout if work schedule allows at lunch time
Thursday: Crossfit in the a.m. and hike with Chloe after school (Hot yoga on this day if I have to work friday)
Friday: Crossfit in the a.m. and hot yoga directly after
Saturday: Walk/Hike with all kiddos
Now, I know, it doesn't look too intense and that is good. I want to stick to it. I pretty much don't sit still until bed time anyway so that has helped keep the weight off but I need to tone up and the Hot Yoga just relaxes me in an insane way. An hour and a half of no cell phone, no mom I need this, no email, no FB, no distraction, just peace and quiet and focusing on relieving stress and stretching.
As much as I dread going back to Crossfit with Trav gone and starting over I am looking forward to the pay off. I was in the best shape I have ever been when we were doing Crossfit, I was seeing progress in my lifts and runs and I liked being able to say I lifted more than that guy or I finished the workout before him. Calluses and cuts became the norm and bruises showed I was working hard. So bring it on, I am ready to get back into this.
On the Paleo topic, I know there are those who say, "But, I love bread! I could never give it up" or the same about cheese, milk etc. Honestly after the first week I don't even think about it. I actually start to crave fruit and veggies and meat. Especially when I lift heavy - steak was my treat and some times beer, I know not Paleo but sometimes a girl just needs a steak and a nice dark beer after killing a workout. And the girl who normally ruined a great cut of meat by making sure it was no longer mooing began to want a medium to medium well steak. It is amazing how creative you get with Paleo too, I have some recipes that are intense and a little time consuming but for the most part it is, meat, veggies and fruit. Simple as that.
I took pictures of myself in my cute Victoria Secret swim suit monday and weighed and measured so I will have a good starting point (I will spare you the pics). I plan on measuring and picture taking monthly and weighing weekly to see my progress. So stay tuned for updates and see how I am progressing.
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