Stepping out of my box
This competition prep has definitely been a new experience. I have always been active and tried to eat healthy but when it comes to stepping foot on a stage that is new to me. Yes, I did dance, choir, played sports but that was all as a team, never alone, in a spot light. I can be girly but I am not a girly girly per se. I can dress up and pull an outfit together when needed but I also have no issue putting on boots and getting outside and tackling the dirtiest of jobs. I have never been one to plaster make-up on and curl my hair before heading out, yes I'll put on a bit of concealer and lip gloss but I like the natural look. So to have to think about make-up, hair, tanning, nails, etc is a bit overwhelming. Luckily this competition will have hair and make-up people backstage that we can sign up with and they will take care of it. Because let's be honest, I am going to be tanner than I have ever been so there is no way to know what make-up to use.

Sitting down and adding up the expenses is a bit overwhelming too. At the prep camp I attended last weekend they suggested we seek out sponsors or start a account. All of which is again out of my box. I hate asking for money. As a teenager I scrimped and budgeted to pay for my gas and lunches. I babysat and worked at daycares and goodwill. So deciding to follow this advise given and seek out help has been hard. I mean this isn't a need, this isn't a charity, this is just me trying to reach a goal, a dream I have set for myself. It is not cheap to set foot on stage. I need a suit, shoes, hair, nails, tan, and jewelry. They even suggest a back up suit just in case something happens to the first one. I have hired a trainer to help with my nutrition and workout plan along with posing. We could probably figure a way to cover most of my expenses but having people behind me has helped me keep focused. It's not just me invested in this anymore. I am not one to put my whole life out there for everyone to see. I don't believe in playing the pity card and counting the woes I have survived especially for gain. God will bless me in His own way if I keep focused on Him. Those who seek gratification from the praise of others have their reward in just that.
Honestly, I go through phases of "I can totally do this" to "What in the heck am I doing." My husband has been awesome. He tells me I am being silly and yes I can do this and to look at how far I have come. I keep track of the my measurements, weight and body fat and I have seen losses in all areas. It is hard to look in the mirror everyday and see the changes I have made. Taking pictures and using those guides I mentioned have helped tremendously. As I close in on being 12wks out from this competition I remain focused and determined to trust the process and stick to my routine and plan. I WILL do this and just stepping foot on stage with the knowledge that I accomplished my goal will be all the gratification I need. I will do this for me with God's help and with Him I can do anything.
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