I stepped foot on stage on May 31st, 2014 in the NM Fitness Championships. I met my goal, I competed in a bikini contest. Did I place? No. Do I care? No, that was never the point of all this. It was to prove to myself I could get my body to a point that I felt comfortable enough to step on stage. Did I have the best abs or booty there? Nope, but I had the best abs and booty I have ever had, even in my high school days my tush never looked that good!
The entire day before everything flowed wonderfully. I prepped the things to take, not just clothes and toiletries but food, extra sheets and towels so I didn't get tan product on the hotel ones. We checked in to the hotel and went to check in at the convention center as a competitor. We stood in line for about an hour, I received my number, the hair and make-up schedule and a goodie bag. We rushed back to the room so I could get my tan done. This was the only stressful part, would it be dark enough, would it be orange, would it turn me green?? Three coats of pro-tan competition tan later I was transformed. I wasn't totally sure I was dark enough so after a few convos with my tan lady she agreed to come back out at 4am that morning to apply two coats of her product. I put on loose jammies and lay on my special sheets and slept like a board so I didn't mess up the tan or the hair extensions I was wearing. After those final two coats, Perfection! It looked great and stayed put all day. The funny thing is with a tan like this you haven't rinsed the bronzer off yet so water is your enemy, which includes going to the potty. Luckily you are on limited water the day before and day of competition.
The morning of I was awake a 3 a.m. tanned and packed up, put on a robe and walked down to the convention center my sweet hubby carrying my bags so I didn't mess up the tan. I sat in hair and makeup trying not to fall asleep at 5:30a.m. As part of the bikini competition we had to com up with a theme wear. I choose Dorothy as my costume - hey I am a KS girl after all. I had gingham dress, basket with todo and even ruby slippers. With competing in two classes I was able to grace the stage twice. The first time was surreal. After I just kept smiling, I had done it. Oh, I know it wasn't the best performance they had seen but I rocked it best I could. The rest of the day was wonderful. All the girls were friendly and nice and I received many texts, messages and phone calls giving me support. I had several friends and family members that were able to watch the show live. Amazing!
The final portion of the show went late and being in heels all day was rough on the feet. After stepping on the stage for the last time I was ready to go find my husband and hug him and go back to the room, get a shower and eat pizza!! And as soon as I took off those heels I walked out the door and there he was waiting for me with a big smile on his face. He later said, sorry I didn't get you flowers. I didn't need flowers, he had supported me all the way, never asking me to give it up or saying he didn't like the person I had transformed into. He supported me just I have done for him over the years, that is marriage. Love, support and growing together. Not wanting the person to never change for fear of what that means. Honestly, the fact that I didn't place does not bother me at all. I didn't need that to know I had accomplished my goal. It amazes me how many people put their happiness in others hands. I don't need a pat on the back or someone to tell me I did a good job, I am strong enough to know how I did. This was about me, and my goal and that was it.
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