Basic Training |
21 October marks 15 years that my sweet husband has been serving in the Air Force. Some days it is hard to believe it has been that long and other days we think, "is that all??" To think back on all the years we have spent in this life can be overwhelming. There has been moves, illnesses, deaths in the family, seperation, missed mile stones and holidays. But you can't dwell on that. I used to keep track of how much he was gone compared to how much he was home. Eventually it tipped towards gone more than home and it was pointless to continue down that road. I have to think about why he does what he does. He doesn't want to be away from his family, he doesn't want to miss out on things but his love for this country is so great that he sacrifices those things to do what he believes in. I, in turn have to accept this choice and support it. I have never questioned this, not from day one. I have always known this was in him and that this is his path. Do I wish he was home more sure, but when he is away we get to chat and discuss things that might get pushed to the way side if he was home. We get to dream about the future and look forward to the day he gets to come home. It makes those times we do have together mean that much more.
Engagement 1999 |
When we were first married he was Security Forces. After 5 years of doing that he cross trained into Aerial Gunner on HH60 Helicopters. His job now is one that I try not to think to much about. I know he in danger when gone. I mean just riding in a helicopter is a feat. And flying around with the mission of rescuing injured people while be shot at poses a whole other set of difficulties. He tells me somethings but mostly he keeps his daily goings on to himself. He wants to hear what we are up to and the silly things the kids or animals have done. I tell him the hard stuff too like when something is broken, I have had a stressful day or an extra expense pops up. I can't hide these things from him but I also don't turn it around and blame him for them. He knows I can handle most things around here and that is some comfort for him. I have heard most of his stories while sitting with some of his "work" buddies. I feel pride when I hear these things, some are scary yes, some are hard to hear but it is part of this life and I am not naive enough to think everything is safe and flowery over there.
Basic Training |
It is hard but we make it work. In the early years hand written letters were lovingly mailed and phone calls made on DSN lines and heartbreak was felt when those calls were missed. Now we have email, skype, face time, even texting when he has wifi. Smart phones make it so much easier. Email, text, face time and Skype all at my finger tips. I am able to send pictures and thoughts that pop in my head instantly. Communication is vital during deployments, there were times when daily communication wasn't possible but it was hard not knowing how things were on his end. It takes work and after 15 years I think we finally have it down.
In all the difficulties that arise with the Air Force the most frustrating thing has to be family that just don't seem to get it. Not that they are not supportive but that they don't get the full picture. When he is gone he is not on vacation. He is not sitting around just killing time, there is a constant stream of things going on and the little extra time he has he goes to the gym and chats with me and chloe. There are times internet is down or phone calls can't be made even time to reply to emails can be hard to find. He needs to know he is supported and loved and not feel pressure to worry about things back home.
He will always be my hero. I am full of pride and love when I look at him in his uniform and know he does what he does because he believes in the mission. So I am here to support him for 15 more years if that is his choice but I have a feeling there are new adventures waiting for us.
Spouse Flight 2012 |
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