This time around has been different. He returned willing to jump right in & help with the kids & appointments & the other mountain of things to do around here. It was me who showed resistance. It was hard to let go of the reigns. I had gotten this ship in shape & had seen both boys make great progress. We had a routine, I knew when to call Kayden's bluff & when he was acting out how to handle it. I had gotten both boys to go to bed with no issues & sleep through the night. Had successfully potty trained a four year old who just 6 months ago was in diapers. Now I had the help I had so desired but it would mean letting go & letting him handle things his way. It was hard, it was frustrating but it has been wonderful. I had to realize he wants to help, he can do it. I am not putting him out by asking for help. This is just as much his journey & family as it is mine.
I have to give him back his shoes, even though this time they might be a little worse for the wear because of me dragging my heels in them.